Our members derive a number of benefits from participating in the club. Here's a few:
Meet with other dog owners and trainers to discuss training issues, or just talk about your dogs.
Attend Club training sessions to learn and practice obedience and/or rally routines, agility runs or tracking exercises. These sessions provide club members with the opportunity to work with others to problem solve individual issues and work in a group environment.
Participate and compete in any of the Club’s annual AKC-sanctioned events: Obedience and Rally Trial, Agility Trial and Tracking Tests.
Attend local BOTC-sponsored educational seminars with nationally known trainers.
Share and exchange training books and videos.
Receive updates on legislative issues that can affect you and your dog.
Help shape the Club’s activities and policies by becoming an officer or board member.
Help with the Club’s public education activities.
Ready to join? Download a Membership Application